Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So I haven't posted in a while because I have been really busy. So for those that don't know and would like to know what's been going on. This has what my past two months have been.

April- I was never home, I spent the whole month practically in town because at 8:00-9:00 AM I was going to school, from 9 AM until 4 PM I am in school, than I went to work at about 4:20, than until 8:30 or so (depending on if it's Wednesday or not) I work at the hospital. After I get off work, i either go to Isaiah's and hang out with him and some friends, or I go to Brandon's. At 11:30 or so I go over to Brandon's if not already there and from then until 8 AM I am babysitting for him. It's not hard since she's already sleeping, I just have to help her get dressed in the morning. I did that schedual the whole month almost. The last weekend of April/ first weekend of May I had to dog sit. That was kinda fun too.

May- Isaiah, being so awesome!, helped me clean up the whole house before my family came home. On Monday, both my brothers, my sister-in-law and my grandparents all came back with my parents. They spent the week here. May 7th was my parents anni. party, and that was really stressful!! just ask Isaiah... Than my family left on the 8th. The rest of the month has been speeding by so fast with school, senior graduating and all late work being due, This past weekend we had Ladies Retreat, where I was unfortunatly really sick most the time and didn't get to really enjoy it like I was hoping to. And now, today is Tuesday, I have been studying for finals and taking them, right now I have passed all the ones that I've taken. Really hoping this streak will continue. Lord help me there please! And on Friday, I will be extremly happy because that will e the last day of school for me!!

So that is about what all I have been doing, time has just been flying by and I have been really busy, really looking forward to my first actual day of sleeping in for summer, before I have to go back to work.. So until I have some more time to post. I will talk to you guys later :)



Rebekah Doran said...

Wow! April was super busy for You!

So glad that you have done so well with your finals! It's a great feeling to do well after studying so hard.

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